The Shadows


The Shadows are a group of people living on the Shadow planet. They are known for their unique planet and its many dark secrets. They're known as the 'weakest' out of the four, yet they have one of the most unique perks of them all. Shadows can be distinguish by their unique ability to not only turn their body into a dark silhouette but also for their excellent vision in darkness. These guys can move from shadow to shadow without being seen, making them very sneaky and easy to lose out of your sights.

Their kind is currently under leadership of lady Daine.


-Soul destruction: a destroyed soul is a guaranteed fatality. This is why they're often seen protecting their chest over their head!

-Hemorrhage: losing too much of their 'magic juice' inside of them can result in death. 

-Light: Shadows their eyes are quite sensitive by default. In general light abilities are effective to Shadows.


-Cycles: a full day and night cycle lasts about 20 hours here, their weeks consist of eight days.

-Climate: the average temperature ranges from 12°c to -8°c.

-Weather: it is most commonly snowing on the Shadow planet, the snow being a light shade of blue!


-Sleep: Shadows spend about 18 hours of their day awake while they sleep about two to four hours.

-Cathemeral: The Shadows are inconsistent on their activeness during the day or during the night.

-Nutrition: Their planet provides more than enough delicious nutrition that they don't have a reason to hunt.

-Meals: Shadows ideally eat once a day, around noon (10:00) when their energy is the lowest.


-Digestion: Shadows do not produce waste like their Human counterpart, meaning when ingesting meals their body simply converts it into pure energy for them to use throughout the day. Eating too much causes temporary weight gain & fatigue that converts into hyperactivity.

-Souls: Shadows are in possession of a soul in the location of that where a human heart would be. This is the core of their being, the sole thing keeping them alive. When destroyed, they stop existing. Souls also play a key factor in the creation of life for their species.


-The Eclipse festival: the Shadows annually host an intergalactic event in the royal castle where they all get together to celebrate their peace alliance with the Lights, everyone in the galaxy is welcome here. In tradition people tend to dress in black and purple, the planets national colors!


-Since religion isn't present, the way they curse is more directed to life & death and the Rulers.

-Thanks to their unique digestive system, their bathrooms don't include toilets like on Earth.

Light cycles

On the Shadow planet, dawn is when San (cyan star) comes up to the sky. Day is when both San and Maro (red star) are visible in the horizon. Dusk is when San leaves the horizon and night when only Maro is visible.

This is a good illustration how the planets are set in their planetary system. All the planets orbit around Maro, while San orbits around the Light planet as well! Both the Shadow and the Lava/Ice planet are interlocked and always face the same side of their stars. Meanwhile the Light planet does have a rotation along with its own star. All of these bodies rotate around Maro at the same pace.