
Name: Abaddon (pronounced 'ab-a-don'

Nicknames: Donny, Don

Species: Light

Item: Unknown

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/him, they/them

Age: 19


Birthday: 19/05/2003

Height: 1.76m (5'8ft)

Weight: 72kg (159lbs)

Hair: White (purple & blonde dye)

Eyes: Yellow

Magic: Purple

Emblem: Unknown


Status: Alive (ixt)

Relatives: Unknown

Rank: Civilian

Occupation: Unknown


"We all have a destiny, mine is to destroy you"

Donny has made it his mission to shake some sense into Fred, making him realize he is not the 'ruler of the universe'. He goes far lengths to ruin Fred in his life's mission. To Donny's surprise Fred's younger friend, Spring, seems to team up with him. Usually putting him in a disadvantage. One day he'll find a way to defeat the duo and set Fred's head straight once and for all.


1. Tag: Donny can put small sticky bombs onto people, when detonated a goo will glue them in place.

2. Minions: Abaddon is capable of summoning minions of a gooey like substance.

3. Puddle rifts: Don is capable of moving from place a to b by using his goo puddles, leaves a mess though...

4. Dark matter: Abaddon is capable of using dark matter to his advantage, infecting normal matter with it as well.







-Originally called 'Destroyer' by Seb.

-The rough character concept was originally made by Seb.


Abaddon designed by Ky (2022)

Abaddon designed by Seb (2017)

Abaddon designed by Seb (2016)