
Name: Elias (aka. Ellie)

Nationality: German

Timezone: CET

Birthday: 24th of September

Gender: Genderfluid

Pronouns: He/him, They/them, She/her

Height: 1.79m (5'9)

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green (brown blots)

Socials: @ellieupsidedown


Formerly known as Elias, Ellie as Ky knew them as, was a very spontaneous yet creative person.

When SpringTime was in early development, Ellie was the first fan to really stand out to Ky. Being the first one to really be a super fan and also being one of the very first people to be banned from the community itself. They still have their own dedicated character in the series as a thank you for the person they used to be in the past, it truly meant a lot to Ky and the community.