
Name: Ky

Nationality: Belgian

Timezone: CET

Birthday: 28th of August

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Height: 1.80m (5'9)

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Gray

Socials: @glitchky


Hi there! I'm Ky, the creator of this whole thing you're checking out! Glad you were curious enough to look for the person behind all this... SpringTime to me has always been something that motivated people to create again, to recover that ambition they lost years ago, to get rid of that art block that never seemed to go away, overall it seemed to inspire people to be creative. I never got why my creation did this to people but the best answer I got is "because your passion is contagious" and, I like to think it is. I want to bring SpringTime to you because I want people to create more, share what they love, be loved for loving what they do... I just want to bring a small spark of joy into this rather cruel world as my legacy.