
Name: Meghaine (pronounced 'mé-ga-nè')

Nicknames: Meg, dr.Meghaine

Species: Shadow

Item: Unknown

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 53


Birthday: xx/xx/1969

Height: 1.82m (6'0)

Weight: 80kg (176lbs)

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Gray

Magic: Green

Emblem: Triskelion (upper back)


Status: Unknown

Relatives: Claide (son), Daiblo (partner), Paiter (son), Shat (son), Spring (granddaughter), Sangre (grandson)

Rank: Elite

Occupation: Royal scientist 


"This might kill you, but I really hope it doesn't"

Dr.Meghaine is a royal scientist, her husband had been tasked by king David himself to use their intelligence and knowledge to gain the upper hand in the war. Neither she, or anyone in that matter couldn't have guessed what this meant, the experiments were horrible, they were locked inside the lab, if they were to leave they'd die. While it drove her husband to madness, she herself became depressed and accepted her fate.


1. Access denied: Meghaine is capable of deciding what anomalies are allowed in a designated area and which aren't.

2. Logbook: Meghaine is capable of creating permanent entry logs.

3. Canvas: Meghaine has the capability to draw anything, with anything as medium and it shall come to life.








-Meghaine prefers putting her hair up in a bun at work.

-Meghaine loved reading Claide stories when he was young.


Meghaine designed by Ky (2021)

Meghaine designed by Ky (2018)