
Name: Shain (pronounced 'chain')

Nicknames: Dr.Shain

Species: Shadow

Item: Unknown

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Age: 52


Birthday: 22/04/1970

Height: 1.73m (5'6)

Weight: 71kg (157lbs)

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Purple

Magic: Purple

Emblem: Gray bunny head


Status: Undead (nixist)

Relatives: Unknown

Rank: Civilian

Occupation: Daiblo's lab assistant 


"Tragically my bubbles can't bubble away the things I've seen"

Dr.Shain was the assistant of dr.Daiblo before and during the war, he always loved working with him and his wife but things went downhill once the king tasked them the impossible. Daiblo refused to cave in and rub it off as 'impossible', he started doing such horrible things. It sickened Shain, the two friends grew apart.


1. Bubbles: Shain is capable of forming strong bubbles that won't pop, even being able to encapsulate matter. With these same bubbles he is capable of teleporting what's inside of these bubbles!

2. Levetation: Shain is capable of causing things to levitate, including people.











Shain designed by Ky (2021)

Shain designed by Ky (2021)

Shain designed by Ky (2018)

Shain designed by Ky (2018)

Shain designed by Ky (2016)

Shain designed by Ky (2016)