
Name: Kaille (pronounced 'kale')

Nicknames: None

Species: Lava (dragon)

Item: Unknown

Gender: Transwoman/female

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 1028 (28)


Birthday: xx/xx/1994

Height: 1.90m (6'2)

Weight: 188kg (414 lbs)

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Red (spirals)

Magic: Red

Emblem: Unknown


Status: Alive (ixt)

Relatives: Taina (partner), Scait (son)

Rank: Civilian

Occupation: Cook


"As a dragon, I believe I possess the biggest treasure of them all. Love."

Kaille is a rare Lava monster, a dragon! She along with a few others has a monster form so powerful that it could destroy armies. How powerful her being might be, she's a funny laid back mother. Living on the Shadow planet with her wife and son, they run a small business where she does the cooking while Taina does the baking. Little Scait loves to take orders! Sadly this Lava monster was not welcomed home as William found it ridiculous for Kaille to want to live a peaceful life instead of that of a warrior, thankfully Daine was more open minded and accepting of her.


1. Pyromancy: Kaille is capable of igniting flames out of plain air. These can vary from heat.

2. Hypnosis: Kaille is both capable of entrancing individuals but also snapping them out of already entranced states of mind.





1. Fire breathing: A nearly extinct dragon ability, Kaille still can and uses it for cooking! 






Kaille designed by Ky (2018)

Kaille designed by Ky (2017)