
Name: Spring (pronounced 'spring')

Nicknames: Springle (John), Springy (Claide), ...

Species: Light

Item: Double sided hammer

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 13


Birthday: 03/12/2009

Height: 1.42m (4’7)

Weight: 38kg (84lbs)

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Red (right) and purple (left)

Magic: Yellow

Emblem: Yellow bunny head (left side of chest)


Status: Alive (ixt)

Relatives: Sangre (brother), Claide (uncle), Paiter (uncle), Shat (father), Fiona (mother), Scait (Cousin), Jacky (aunt), Taina (aunt), Micheal (grandfather), Melody (grandmother), Meghaine (grandmother), Daiblo (grandfather)

Rank: Royalty

Occupation: Student


"Make a wish!"

Spring is a lovable kid, she's always open to meeting new faces... even the unfriendly kind! She is too stubborn to believe a person could possibly be all bad by heart. Together this energetic little girl lives with her parent's in the Light palace or with her uncle in the Shadow forest, her parents tend to neglect her so unlike her brother, she enjoys staying with their uncle more. He of course finds it important that she doesn't isolate herself from her parents despite all the family drama going on between all of them. Thankfully her uncle distracts her from these problems by going on numerous adventures with her and friends!


1. Teleportation: Spring is capable of teleporting. Unlike John’s ash particles, Spring goes up in a golden flame leaving tiny sparkles!

2. Blink dash: Similar to teleporting, but less energy draining! Spring is capable of giving herself a small boost in speed making it appear that she blinks while moving to her opponent(s)!

3. Healing: She has the ability to heal physical wounds, she’s still young so the most she can do is boost someone's regenerative abilities, if they don’t naturally have regeneration it’s unlikely for her to help with severed body parts, however her uncle believes Spring will have no problem with that when she’s older… he also believes Spring will be powerful enough to bring back the dead or reverse corrupted effects (E.g. John’s withering).

4. Stars: Spring has the abilities to summon star shaped particles, from big to small, from one to a lot! These stars can be a source of light but can also be used as throwable! Her favorite use for them is to cast a rain of shooting stars, if she learns how to make them explosive this can be a really powerful move!

5. Feather falling: Spring has the ability to manipulate how gravity applies to her when pulling her downwards, of course this is limited and one of the abilities she has most issue controlling but if she really would be crashing to her death she could break down the rapid speeds she's falling at for sure!


1. Death repellent: In one of the episodes it’s seen that a dying, magic absorbing infection spreads itself rapidly over the entire planet but both Spring and Claide remain colorful! Standing on the dull dead grass you can see Spring appears to have a star-shaped imprint on the grass that is kept alive thanks to this aura she has on her at all times! When she’s older this aura will evolve to not only protect herself but also those around her! The stronger this aura gets overtime, the more it is able protect, and later on even revive.




-Spring is one of the first few who found out all five of their abilities at such a young age.

-Spring's favorite meal in the world are her uncle's pancakes.

-In various scenarios where one would be terrified, Spring seems more curious and intrigued (e.g. meeting a Dupe or Wanderer).

-Spring loves abusing her authority of being a princess to her advantage, giving her access to normally restricted areas.

-Spring enjoys John's company, she finds him the best babysitter when her uncle is unavailable.

-Spring still has issues grasping the fact that Shymai is a child like her and not a pet.

-Spring's quote is a direct reference to a shooting star, as per usual a person make's a wish to a shooting star.

-Spring is often seen stealing one of Claide's potions, this caused him to put a lock on his potion storage.

-Spring often makes the tittle of her i in her name a star.

-Spring's natural odor is described as that of starfruit lemonade.


Spring in the Shadow forest

More Spring

Spring with her hammer

Spring with Fred

Spring designed by Ky (2022)

Spring designed by Ky (2019)

Spring designed by Ky (2017)

Spring designed by Ky (2017)

Spring designed by Ky (2016)

Spring designed by Ky (2016)

Spring designed by Ky (2016)

Spring designed by Ky (2016)