
Name: Claihn (pronounced 'clay-hn')

Nicknames: None

Voiced by: [TBA]

Species: Shadow & Lava

Item: Scythe

Gender: Male (he/him)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 26


Birthday: 05/06/1996

Height: 1.93m (6’3ft)

Weight: 125kg (276lbs)

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Gray with scar (left), orange (right)

Magic: Orange

Emblem: Triquetra (left arm) & black bunny head (left arm)


Status: Alive (ixt)

Relatives: None

Rank: Civilian

Occupation: Drifter


"I am a what?"

Claihn is a rare phenomenon where if John and Claide were to be fused (e.g. by Accalia) and their thoughts & opinions align, they become one person for an undetermined period of time. The only way to get them to split up again is to make their thoughts & opinions unsync again. This can be done by friends who know about differences in opinions of the two. Claihn does not posses the memories of the two and is a person on their own. Meaning they can experience life with pre-determined feelings towards it, often they feel lost and confused on 'why they feel that way' when it's just one of their halves shining through.


1. Matter altercation: Claihn is capable of manipulating any matter. This also means creating things out of 'thin air'.

2. Teleportation: Claihn is capable of teleporting one-self and other beings!

3. Subspace: Claihn has their very own pocket dimension to their name!

4. Scan: Claihn can discover a lot about something by scanning it, finding out its components, nature, and so on!

5. Wilt: Claihn can determine how fast this works but they have the ability to instantly make matter break apart.


1. Last resort: Claihn is capable of withstanding and adapting to things beyond his own body strength.

2. Repellent: Claihn naturally repels magic, making them resistant to spells and or magic effects.

3. Multilingual: Claihn understands multiple languages, if not all!

4. Mutant: Being both Lava and Shadow, Claihn both possesses the ability to camouflage himself and use their monster form.

5. Dual focus: Claihn is capable of focusing on multiple things at once.


-Claihn is by far the strongest being in all of SpringTime.

-Claihn's natural odor is described as an orange or clementine before.

-Claihn has a deep understanding of complex anatomical structures of things (allowing them to create this precisely).
